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Vacation Planning System - A Case Study

At a glance

Technologies used: Symfony 2 framework, Jquery, Node.js, REST, SOAP, Apache Web Server, MySQL database

Functionality: Salesforce Automation, Supply Chain Management, Customer Relationship Management and Business Intelligence, for the Leisure industry

Target users: Vacation specialists and managers of Rocky Mountain Getaways, a packaged ski vacations provider in CO, USA

Physical Architecture

Built on Symfony MVC framework. Third party bundles integrated for plug and play extensibility. Custom bundles developed to implement specialized features and applications. Setup a Node.js server based push mechanism to deliver real-time notifications. Integrated with 3rd party web services over REST / SOAP for pulling live inventory feeds, payment processing and content delivery to customer-facing sales website.

Under the hood

Custom developed Symfony bundles provide Inventory, Sales and Customer Relations management, aided by innumerable other specialized bundles for specific features such as reporting, mailing, document management and communicating with external systems.